
Benefits of a 'Sanctuary' Program

Builds Soil Microbes

These products supply an easily digestible carbon energy source that supplies the food needed for the rapid buildup of the natural soil microbes. By consuming these natural based products, these microbes slowly release the essential plant nutrients needed for rooting, color and growth. In addition, these microbes improve overall plant health by supplying carbon, the building blocks of life. These proteins, vitamins, minerals and enzymes released by the soil microbes are essential to many plant processes. In short, these products help both soil and plant health to reduce turf stress and improve plant vigor.

Improves Nutrient Management

These natural based products are rich in nutrients that are released by the soil microbes. These microbes slowly release the plant nutrients into the soil. This linear release pattern improves the nutrient efficiency to the turf. This release rate translates into slow, even growth with excellent color. In addition, this method of release reduces the risk of nutrient pollution of the waterways and wetlands which is critical in today’s environment.

Enhances Soil Health

These products increase the soil CEC system, water holding capacity, and organic content in the soil. This approach to nutrient management enhances the chemical, structural and biological balance in the soil. These three factors are the foundation to improving turf quality and soil management.

Understanding Organic Ingredients

There are a variety of organic products on the market that formulate with different types of organic ingredients. These ingredients can be classified into 5 groups: protein meals, grain meals, manures, bio solids, and fortified. These different ingredient groups differ by the amount of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and energy that is available to the turf and soil microorganisms.

Protein Meals – These are derived from the rendering industry. These are high in available energy with a low carbon to nitrogen ratio the ranges from 3:1 to 5:1. These products include feather, blood, bone, meat, poultry and fish meals. The soil microbial population through oxygen reduction breaks down these proteins whereby transferring energy to the microbe supplying nutrients and various catalysts to the plant. The plant utilizes these various components in the form of vitamins, minerals and enzymes for different plant processes inclusive of respiration, photosynthesis, and cell growth.

Grain Meals – These are derived from the food processing industry. These are damaged, dated or waste products from this industry. They are high in sugars, carbohydrates, fats and yeast. These high energy products rapidly build microbial populations which breakdown organic materials in the soil. This makes available to the turf stored nutrients required for growth.

Manure – These are the waste stream product from the livestock industry. Poultry and cattle manure are the two most widely used type selected. These have a moderate level of available energy with high to medium carbon to nitrogen ratio. These products have low levels of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. These products are rich in microbial populations. The cattle manure has a low analysis like a 1:1:1. This is due to a more complete utilization of the feed. The poultry manure has an analysis that ranges from a 2:3:3 to a 4:6:4. This range in analysis is due to the diet that is chosen for the birds. This manure can also have bedding material composted into the finished product which elevates the carbon to nitrogen ratio.

Bio Solids – These are human and industrial waste stream products. These are spent energy products that have a stabilized carbon source. These products can be high in heavy metals found in industrial waste and in the natural environment. Some states are moving forward with restriction with regards to the use of these products. 

Fortified – This is a term used to indicate the combination of an inorganic and organic fertilizer sources. These products are generally combined for agronomic or economic reasons. The organic source and volume will determine the quality and performance of the product.

Organic Liquids – These are a combination of simple food energy products that are derived from liquid proteins, sugars and carbohydrates that feed soil microbial populations and release nutrients to the turf. These liquids can also be compost teas which are extracts decanted from manures or plant materials. Liquids are often used to fine tune seasonal deficiencies in a program.